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Digital Twin Technology Drivers and Enablers

August 6, 2021

Drive change with Digital Twin

The architecture, Engineering, and Construction sector is embracing the digital age, the processes involved in the design, construction, and operation of built assets are more and more influenced by technologies. There are many developments in technologies and innovations that are going on in the world, especially in the AEC industry. Such as hardware, software, more types of sensors, IoT, AR, VR, MR, drones, additive manufacturing, robotics, modern surveying technology, BIM, and digital twin.

These will help to bring changes in the construction industry and create opportunities. These digital tools and techniques have capabilities to increase efficiency in operations, effectiveness, and productivity. Digitizing the built environment or information is making it easy for protecting or preserving the data. We can make the availability of data worldwide easy to access.

The game is not completed with Digitizing only, Further steps are Digitalization and Digital Transformation.
Digital transformation flow chart, image

There is rapid growth and advances in emerging technologies, industry interest in Digital Twin has increased in the past decade.

Here are some of the drivers and enablers you can find...

Digital Twin Technology Drivers and Enablers

Technology Drivers

  • Computing Power
  • Accessibility and Connectivity
  • IoT and Big Data
  • Advanced Analytics

Technology Enablers

  • Hyperscale computing
  • Cloud computing and storage: high data volumes, Analytics Capabilities, Integration, API.
  • IoT: Connected assets, extended network, Remote control
  • Commoditization of sensor equipment
  • Artificial Intelligence: Optimized design, Predictive maintenance, Adaptive behavior
  • Blockchain: Secure access, Traceability, IP protection
  • Augmented reality / Virtual reality / Mixed reality: Interaction field operations, Safety training.
  • Data Science: Visual Analytics, Digital Platforms
  • New suppliers of digital toolsets and services
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