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Everything you need to know about BIM, ISO 19650 Certification

April 5, 2022

Why Standards? And Why ISO 19650?

I think this was the fundamental question which we had 03 years back when we had started our journey in implementing this framework for a couple of our projects, after all the discussions and brainstorming which happened internally within the team, we got to know the real benefits only when we started the documentation aspects of it and how to tailor it to our organizational goals and targets ( for the readers who don’t know about Desapex, we are a digital engineering company, where we enable the AEC industry for digital transformation, not only with creating BIM models but also process frameworks and technological infrastructure required to deliver these ambitious goals).

In our consulting practice each project had their own requirements, sometimes it was just defined as LOD, sometimes just 4D,5D, sometimes just BIM, so to demystify this ambiguity we needed a globally accepted framework that would formalize our thinking process or the mental model which is required to solve the information management related problems which arise in the construction industry, and with BIM it was only getting tougher and larger. So ISO 19650 gave us a standardized approach to implementing a data fabric in our projects. I would say this is more than just defining LOD requirements for your projects geometrically.

So why ISO 19650 is a comprehensive framework compared to other LOD (Geometric) centric standards?

This standard does not define the geometric requirement of the asset, instead gives a framework to develop the project /stage-specific information needed or required to perform the activity at a given stage of the project,

some of the key documents which give us this control as

  • Guide for Appointing party's exchange information requirements (EIR)
  • Pre-Appointment - BEP (BIM Execution Plan)
  • Assess the task team's capability and capacity.
  • Delivery team mobilization plan
  • Delivery team risk register
  • Post Appointment -BEP (BIM Execution Plan)
  • Delivery team's detailed responsibility matrix
  • Guide for Appointed party's exchange information requirements
  • Task Information delivery pan-TIDP
  • Master information delivery plan - MIDP
  • Mobilization Plan
  • Information management process-Collaborative production of Information & Information model delivery
  • Project close-out

These documents help the client to realize the full potential of BIM and integrate the digital delivery process into the project plan and not a separate standalone item.

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